Baetican toothcarp
(Apricaphanius baeticus)


Species: Apricaphanius baeticus

General data

Scientific names: Baetican toothcarp
Local names: Andalusian toothcarp
Habitat: Amfidromous
Climate: Subtropical
Native: Europe
Distribution: Guadalete, Odiel, Guadalquivir

Aphanius baeticus is a species of fish in the family Cyprinodontidae. It is endemic to a small part of Southern Spain, between the Gulf of Cadiz and Huelva. Its natural habitats are rivers, estuarine waters, and coastal saline lagoons. It is threatened by habitat loss and by invasive species.

Males have dark grey caudal fin, with a distinct submarginal bar and 4-5 vertical rows of hyaline dots sometimes organized into regular bars; males possess 14-17 dark grey bars on a silvery background, bars irregularly shaped and set, often connected.

Females have a few large black spots on side, usually organized into two rows, one on middle of flank, one level with pectoral base.

24-26 scales in lateral line series on body; pectoral fin with 9-10 rays; and anal fin usually with 9 rays.

Max size 3 cm.

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