Bodensee whitefish
(Coregonus wartmanni)

General data

Scientific names: Bodensee whitefish
Habitat: Freshwater
Climate: Continental
Native: Europe

Europe: Lake Constance (Switzerland, Germany and Austria)

Range 30 - 35 cm
Max length: 50.0 cm TL

Lacustrine, pelagic, usually at 0-40 m during summer.

Feeds on plankton and insects; preys on juvenile Perca fluviatilis in summer.

Spawns at surface over deep water, off-shore. Spawns for the first time at 2-3 years and in the first half of December, when the temperature falls below 7˚C. Males aggregate at the surface and females ready to spawn come from deeper water to join these aggregations. Eggs sink to the bottom and hatch in March. Larvae swim to the surface and start to feed after 8 days.

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