Guinean bichir
(Polypterus ansorgii)


Species: Polypterus ansorgii

General data

Scientific names: Guinean bichir
Habitat: Freshwater
Climates: Tropical, Arid (desert)
Native: Africa
Distribution: Geba, Corubal (Tomine), Niger

The Guinean bichir (Polypterus ansorgii) is a ray-finned fish from rivers and other freshwater habitats in Western Africa, ranging from Guinea-Bissau to Nigeria.

The species is described from the Corubal River in Guinea Bissau; and it has been reported recently from the Niger basin in Guinea and in lake Kainji and the Ogun River in Nigeria.

It reaches a maximum length of 72 cm (28 in), is greenish-brown to black in color, and has large, dark spots and blotches on its sides. On mature specimens, the bottom jaw may protrude very slightly. It is similar to some other bichirs with which it can be confused.

Named in honor of explorer William John Ansorge (1850-1913), who collected type specimen.

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