Xantic sargo
(Anisotremus davidsonii)


Species: Anisotremus davidsonii

General data

Scientific names: Xantic sargo
Habitat: Saltwater
Climate: Subtropical
Native to coast of: North America
Distribution: Pacific Ocean

The Xantic Sargo can be identified through its somewhat elongated body, elevated and compressed back, and pouty lips. Its body is mostly silver except for the single brown or black vertical stripe on each side and the rather bronzy tinge on the top side of its prominently white lateral line. As for the fins, the caudal fin is slightly forked and the two-segment dorsal fin is spiny, both of which are colored dark brown to black. Its pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins are much lighter in color.

Habitat and Distribution
The Xantic Sargo is endemic in the coastal waters of Eastern Central Pacific: from Santa Cruz in central California, USA to southern Baja California, Mexico, as well as within the waters of the Gulf of California. The fish also prefers reefs and other rocky environments, often near kelp beds where they mostly live and forage for food.

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