Largescale sucker
(Catostomus macrocheilus)


Species: Catostomus macrocheilus

General data

Scientific names: Largescale sucker
Habitat: Freshwater
Climates: Temperate, Continental

The largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) is a species of sucker, a type of freshwater fish, found in western North America.

It has a rounded snout with a downturned mouth on its underside (as opposed to a mouth at end of the head like most fish). It has large scales and narrow tail base (caudal peduncle).

Adults can reach a length of 24 in (61 cm) and 7 lb (3.2 kg) in parts of their range.

Juveniles are mottled brown or olive green with dark spots and white to yellow belly. Adults are bronze to orange on top with lighter undersides.

The largescale sucker is native to the Pacific Northwest, occurring from British Columbia south to Oregon. It is widespread in the Columbia River system. It occurs in the slower-moving portions of rivers and streams, and in lakes.

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