Daffodil cichlid
(Neolamprologus pulcher)


Species: Neolamprologus pulcher

General data

Scientific names: Daffodil cichlid
Local names: Fairy cichlid, Princess of Zambia, Lyretail cichlid
Habitat: Freshwater
Climate: Tropical
Native: Africa
Distribution: Lake Tanganyika

Neolamprologus pulcher is a species of cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika where it prefers locations with plenty of sedimentation. The common names for N. pulcher include daffodil cichlid, fairy cichlid, princess of Zambia and lyretail cichlid.

This species can reach a length of 10 centimetres (3.9 in) TL.

It can also be found in the aquarium trade.

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