Japanese sawshark
(Pristiophorus japonicus)

General data

Scientific names: Japanese sawshark
Habitat: Saltwater
Climates: Subtropical, Temperate
Native to coast of: Asia

The Japanese sawshark (Pristiophorus japonicus) is a species of sawshark in the family Pristiophoridae. This shark has a long, narrow rostrum. Its first dorsal fin originates behind the tips of the pectoral fins, and its caudal fin is angled almost straight in line with the body. The Japanese sawshark reaches a maximum length of up to 1.36 m (4 ft 6 in).

Range and habitat
Found in the northwest Pacific Ocean around Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and northern China between latitudes 48°N and 22°N. It is found over the sandy or muddy bottoms of the continental shelf at depths of 50 to 800 m (160 to 2,620 ft). This species may vertically migrate in the water column because of changes in temperature.

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